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J-Law Being J-Law on Colbert

Jennifer Lawrence is known for being wonderfully unfiltered in interviews and on talk shows. Last night she was on with Stephen Colbert and J-Law did not disappoint. Some of the hilites:

"I like vacation me so why wouldn't I like rum." J-Law said this after Colbert pulled out a bottle of rum for them to enjoy during the interview. The rum allowed Jennifer to truly speak her truth.

Apparently Jennifer has a major crush on get this: LARRY DAVID. I swear if she doesn't have a cameo on the next season of Curb I will so be angry! She basically copped to stalking Larry at Amy Schumer's wedding.

"I'd like to officially uninvite all of my haters to go see Red Sparrow." J-Law's new movie Red Sparrow comes out this weekend. The trailers for it look really good. I will be seeing it for sure. Jennifer is a sexy Russian spy in it. I am not a J-Law hater so I'm going to assume she is not uninviting me to see it. Bottom line, never miss a J-Law talk show appearance.

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