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Saoirse Ronan Slaying

If you know me you are well aware that I am a HUGE Meryl Streep fan. Meryl really has no equal and don't bother debating this. But if there's a young Queen out there who could follow in Meryl's unmatched elegant footsteps it is Irish beauty Saoirse Ronan. Saoirse is an amazing actress with incredible talent and acting range. I mean just watch "Brooklyn" and "Lady Bird" back-to-back and try not to faint from the outrageous differences in her performances. She's an absolute gem! So it came as no surprise to me when I saw her absolutely slaying it on the cover of AnOther magazine. Never heard of AnOther before but now I am taking notice. I mean look at the poses. Yes poses as in plural because she's that stunning they gave her two cover shots. I'M DEAD. And the outfits? Girl yaaasss! I'm rooting for Saoirse to take home the Oscar for Best Actress in "Lady Bird" and you should too. How can you not after looking at these covers? And yeah of course also after seeing the movie.

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